Join us for #marchoffthemat, a 9 day yoga challenge sponsored by @chattrayoga and @thatnow starting this coming Monday!
Everyday we will explore different ways to take lessons we learn on our mat into our lives off the mat. This is slightly different than other IG challenges of demonstrating yoga postures. As @modern_yogis our goals is to empower ourselves and each other with yogic wisdom and tools so that we all might thrive in this modern, high-paced world with less stress and greater freedom. Because lets face it “The success of Yoga does not lie in the ability to perform postures but in how it positively changes the way we live our life and our relationships.” -T.K.V. Desikachar
We encourage you check in with the hosts daily for tips and inspiration. Please embrace each topic in your own unique way. Our hope is that you might discover deeper dimensions of yoga and along the way tap into your inner wisdom.
How to participate
Follow the Hosts:
Follow our sponsor:
Check it out! You could win a $50 gift card from @chattrayoga and $50 gift card from @thatnow
3/12 stiram sukham asanam
3/13 Ahimsa
3/14 Vinyasa Krama
3/15 Tapas
3/16 Pratipaksha Bhavanam
3/17 Where your mind goes, energy follows. Where energy goes, the mind follows.
3/18 Santosha
3/19 Facing Fear
3/20 Abiding in Awareness